File Tree Basics

MCReport's File Tree window is the primary tool for browsing, searching and auditing MetroCount datasets. Files are listed, and sortable, by their key header details, rather than their physical file attributes. Folders containing MetroCount datasets are marked with a special green icon in the folder tree for easy identification. The File Tree is also the best method for loading datasets into the File Management List.

File Tree Window

File Tree Window

Double-clicking a dataset in the File Tree displays the dataset's header details and properties, grouped into several pages. The Hits page is extremely useful for rapidly assessing basic data quality.

Dataset Properties Dataset Properties

Dataset Properties

[Procedure] To load files into the File Management List
  1. Open a File Tree window by clicking the New File Tree button on MCReport's main toolbar.

  2. To locate some sample datasets, click the Favourites button, and select MTE Samples. This automatically selects the Samples folder in MTE's working folder location.

    Locating the Samples folder

    Locating the Samples folder

  3. Select a couple of the sample files (hold down the Ctrl or Shift key to select multiple files), and click the New report button.

    Loading the selected files

    Loading the selected files

  4. Click the Yes button to load the files.

  5. The Report Wizard is now started, with the selected datasets loaded. Notice files are not tagged by default. Simply double-click them to tag for the next report.

    Tag files and continue the Report Wizard

    Tag files and continue the Report Wizard