Daylight Saving Adjustment

MCReport provides optional support for Daylight Saving transitions, by adding or removing raw data. Data files containing a Daylight Saving transition will have an empty period of data added at the beginning transition, and a period of overlapped data removed at the ending transition. Files without a Daylight Saving transition are unaffected.

The Daylight Saving zone is set in MCReport's Global Settings, by selecting Tools ยป Settings from MCReport's main menu. The selected zone will be applied to all datasets. Each zone has an entry per year, to allow for years with exceptional changes.

Adjusting for Daylight Saving

Adjusting for Daylight Saving

The selected Daylight Saving zone is displayed in each report's header. Transitions that occur within the duration of the report will be listed next to the zone.

Daylight Saving transitions are indicated in the report header

Daylight Saving transitions are indicated in the report header