The Daily Classes report provides a class breakdown of daily traffic volume, with one week per page.
Each day is displayed with the total daily volume, and the volume and percentage for each vehicle class included in the report Profile.
The end of each page includes the five-day and seven-day averages. Note that days with incomplete data are not included in the average calculations.
The Daily Classes by Direction report includes additional rows where the daily class totals are split into vehicles travelling in the A>B and B>A directions. The AB% and BA% rows are the directional split percentages, not percentage of total.
The Estimated Mass version of the Daily classes report includes an additional line for each day that lists estimated standard axles, freight mass and gross mass totals. These values are calculated from the mass table defined in the report Profile.
The default behaviour of the Daily Classes report is to align to the first weekday. For a dataset that starts mid-week, a single week of data will span two pages.
To align the report to the start of the dataset, select the Align reports to start of time range option in the report's Profile. To restrict the report to a single week, consider using the First seven aligned days Auto-Wrap option.