NAASRA was used in Australia until 1994. It is a system classifying according to the total number of axles, the number of axle groups and vehicle wheelbase. There are 13 classes.

  • Units: Metric (m)

  • Car class: 1

  • Unclassifiable vehicle class: 13

Class Description Axles Wheelbase
S2 1 Car 2 0 - 3.0
M345 2 Car + trailer 3 - 5 3.0 - 7.5
M2 3 Medium length 2 axle 2 3.0 - 7.5
M3 4 Medium length 3 axle 3 3.0 - 7.5
M4 5 Medium length 4 axle 4 3.0 - 7.5
L3 6 Long length 3 axle 3 7.5 - 18.5
L4 7 Long length 4 axle 4 7.5 - 18.5
L5 8 Long length 5 axle 5 7.5 - 18.5
L6 9 Long length 6 axle 6 7.5 - 18.5
L78 10 Long length 7 or 8 axle 7 - 8 7.5 - 18.5
Mc 11 Medium combination 5 - 11 18.5 - 34.0
Lc 12 Long combination 6 - 19 > 34.0